Grace McConaghie Test Blog!

Llamas are the coolest. Llamas with cool stuff on their heads are even cooler than the coolest.

I would love to visit all of these someday. I guess I will get to see one in Rio in February.

This is so fun I love making tests!

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

-Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott

Reuben’s Test Blog

My name is Reuben. I was an engineering major but that fell through. I don’t know what I’m doing now but I know that I am sticking with Spanish. Good luck to you engineers!

Winter camping. Cold and Fun!

Rebecca Joos Test

Graham’s 318 Coffeehouse, Geneva, IL

Rebecca is highly stressed this week and needs lots of coffee because school hit her like a truck.

This too shall pass


While many classes for the freshmen are simple, sophomore year is incredibly difficult when compared to freshman year. I have been drowning in homework, in particular homework for one education class. That’s why taking care of one’s mental health and time management are two of the most important aspects when it comes to college.

Last year, I struggled to find friends right away at school because I felt so overwhelmed with the new life of being a college student with hard deadlines. I found myself joining the Hope College Pull, which is a huge time commitment, especially for it being the first few weeks of school. I struggled with completing tasks on time, and as a result forgot to take care of myself and my mental health.

I’m a firm believer that everyone should go to therapy, no matter what their background is.

Grace Stevenson against Tuberculosis Test

Get vaccinated for TB if working with infants or seniors.

Don’t listen to mom’s against vaccines. They are dumb helicopter parents trying to advocate against proven scientific facts. “VaCciNeS wiLl KiLL mY kiDs.” No, no they will not Karen.

Don’t be the reason people get a perfectly curable and unnecessary disease. Chicken pox exists because of anti-vax moms.

Sign this petition to ban anti-vax moms and all of their offspring from entering any public setting ever:
